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accupuncture procdure

What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is a treatment that uses very thin steel sterile needles inserted into the skin to stimulate specific points in the body. The goal is to relieve a health condition or symptom, such as pain. The practice comes from traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture has been used for over 2000 years. It is safe and effective in treating many health conditions. Chinese medicine calls the energy that flows through the body qi. Chinese medicine practitioners believe qi disruptions create imbalances in the body's energy that lead to illness.


Some forms of acupuncture aim to rebalance qi with needles that are inserted into acupuncture points that run along meridians throughout the body. There are hundreds of acupuncture points in the body along 14 major meridians. The needles stimulate the body to react to an illness or symptom, rebalance, or create harmony within the body. The body in response to acupuncture will release natural chemicals serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin, along with other neurotransmitters that work to heal the body.


There are various types of acupuncture including but not limited to

  • Electrical Acupuncture

  • Microneedling

  • Auricular Acupuncture

  • Trigger point needling

Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine

Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine was considered the gold standard in medicine to not only treat illness, but to have a long healthy life free from illness! The idea of everyone benefiting from herbs and prevention being very important. Dating back to over three thousand years (that has been recorded). The Chinese Shen Nong Ben Cao (Divine Farmer’s Materia Medica) is a text that was put forth by Shen Nong an herbalist considered to be the “father of Chinese medicine” that present day herbalists still reference. Chinese herbal medicine is a combination of medicinal herbs and food therapies to help in the healing of many health ailments that plague the modern person.

  • Custom individual formulas tailored to the patient’s specific pattern diagnosis and treatment principles.

  • Many different preparations of herbal formulations that include raw herbs, concentrated granules, pills/capsules, and tinctures.  

therapeutic massage

Tui Na

Tui Na is a therapeutic form of massage and has been used in China for over 5,000 years. It is defined as “the ancient healing art of fingers and strength.” It has been shown to be an effective treatment modality in a host of health conditions.

Gua Sha treatment

Gua Sha

Gua Sha also known as skin scraping, where a specific shape stone (usually jade) is pressed against the skin and rubbed to create a red appearance known as “Sha”, it can promote blood circulation, clear latent lymph from the body, and work to loosen fascial tightness.


Gua Sha is intended to break up stagnant qi (energy) in the body. This practice can relieve inflammation and promote healing. This process can leave marks that will last up to several days so please be sure to have a conversation with your practitioner before doing so.



Moxibustion is a kind of external treatment, that uses the herb mugwort (“ai ye”) to provide therapeutic heat when it is burned as well as medicinal qualities from the herb itself. Moxibustion can be used on specific acupuncture points as well as being used over general areas on the body.


There are many ways in which “moxa” is used either placed on a needle inserted into an acupuncture point, placed directly on the skin, or by using a stick and waving over the intended area.

Cupping treatment


Cupping is used to break up stagnation in the body and muscles. Fire cupping as well as vacuum cupping can be placed in one stationary position or used in a technique known as “slide cupping” where the practitioner will use a lubricant and slide the cups along meridians and tight muscle areas. This process helps to bring fresh blood to the area and will aid in circulation and healing. Cupping will leave some marks that can last up to several days so be sure to have a conversation with your practitioner before doing so.

Qi Gong treatment

Qi Gong

The term “qigong” is a combination of two words: "qi," which means “subtle breath” or “vital energy,” and "gong," which translates to “skill cultivated through steady practice.” Together, the words describe an age-old practice that harnesses the power of breath, movement, and intention setting to create health and balance within the body.

Red Light Therapy & PEMF treatment
Red Light Therapy & PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy)

Red light therapy uses photobiomodulation which delivers near-infrared light into the body and helps to regenerate cells, helps with blood flow and circulation.


PEMF therapy sends magnetic energy into the body. This helps the body increase electrolytes and ions which will change electrical charges on a cellular level and help with cellular metabolism.

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