What to Expect
Vitruvian Holistic is constantly striving toward best patient outcomes. This means working with patients and developing tools so they can be the best advocates for their personal health that is possible. All modalities within the practice work toward creating the best and most harmonious version of the individual. This is important as many intakes, therapies, and experiences will ask for some input from the patient. Overall health and wellness takes time and effort. Start your health journey today!
Initial Visit
Follow-up Visit
Acupuncture Appointment
Herbal Consult
Initial Visits consist of a thorough intake between practitioner and patient. This initial visit is usually longer in duration and goes into more detail including a deeper dive into health history and all other health concerns. The practitioner will conduct a physical exam along with other pillars of Chinese medicine diagnosis. All patient treatment plans are carefully constructed and individualized to meet the patient’s needs. It is during this process the patient and practitioner will come together with a treatment plan that is right for the patient. The practitioner will explain therapies that are beneficial to the case presentation. Initial intake is between 60-90 minutes.
Follow-up visits are shorter in duration with standard intake consisting of 10 or so questions that will give the practitioner an understanding of how the patient is receiving care, the progress on specific treatments, and overall weekly check-ins. The practitioner will conduct a physical exam including tongue and pulse. The follow-up visits are usually between 40-50 minutes.
Depending on the case presentation, the practitioner will evaluate the patient. The intake along with physical exam will provide the information needed to start treatment. The patient is encouraged to wear loose fitting clothing, something comfortable that isn’t too restricting. The patient should be well hydrated with a light snack or meal prior to treatment, not starving, but not stuffed.
Intake and preparation is between 10-15 minutes, the acupuncture and other modalities used are between 25-40 minutes. You can expect to feel relaxed and “lighter” after your treatments. The therapies will continue to work throughout the day and patients can go about their normal activities remembering to hydrate well with good quality water.
Does acupuncture hurt? Acupuncture shouldn’t hurt, although there might be a slight pinch or heavy sensation with insertion of needles the sensation should alleviate quickly. The patient should not feel any discomfort during the treatment session. With that being said each individual is different and communication between practitioner and patient is key to having an enjoyable treatment session so never be afraid to ask questions!
Whether in person or telemed, herbal consults will consist of health history, reasons for seeking herbal therapies, and other therapies that were tried in the past. The practitioner will gain a deep understanding from the patient during this consult in order to correctly identify a pattern diagnosis in order to correctly prescribe an herbal formula that is individually tailored to the patient.
Herbal medicine is prescribed in many different forms, traditionally herbs were given in raw herb format for the patient to decoct on the stove and consume as a liquid. Now herbal formulas can be taken in granule powder form, capsule, or tinctures. The practitioner will determine which herbal formulation is correct for you.
The herb quality is very important and one must take into consideration where the herbs are sourced (wild-crafted, organic when possible, sulfur free, and free of other dangerous chemical treatments). Not all herbs are created equal!